The Good And Bad About Restorative Dentistry

The Good And Bad About Restorative Dentistry

Restorative dentistry is a type of dental treatment that helps patients to restore their teeth, gums, and mouth back to health after they have been damaged or lost due to injury, disease, or decay. Restorative dentistry can help restore the function and aesthetic of someone’s smile by using artificial materials such as crowns, bridges, and dentures. While restorative dentistry has many benefits, such as improving the appearance of teeth, it is important to consider some potential risks before undergoing any procedure.

Restorative dentistry is a type of dental treatment that helps people to restore their teeth, gums, and mouth back to health after they have been damaged or lost due to injury, disease, or decay. Using materials such as crowns, bridges, and dentures made from artificial materials, restorative dentistry can help improve both the function and aesthetic of someone’s smile. While it can have many benefits, it is important to consider some potential risks before undergoing any procedure.

The Good About Restorative Dentistry

Improved Aesthetics

Restorative dentistry can make a huge difference in the appearance of a person’s smile. It can help fill in gaps and make teeth appear straighter, whiter, and more uniform. It also has the potential to improve overall facial symmetry by changing the shape or size of teeth.

Improved Function

Restorative dentistry can also help improve the function of a person’s teeth and gums. Crowns, bridges, inlays, and onlays can all be used to strengthen weakened or decayed teeth, allowing them to work properly once again.


Unlike natural teeth which are subject to wear, tear, decay and injury, artificial materials such as porcelain crowns and bridges are extremely durable and can last for many years.

The Bad About Restorative Dentistry


Restorative dentistry can be expensive, depending on the procedure being done. This is because of the time and materials involved in creating the artificial materials used.

Risk of Complications

Though very rare, there is a chance that complications can occur after a restorative procedure such as infection or nerve damage. It is important to be aware of these risks before undergoing any kind of dental treatment.

Long-term Maintenance

It is important to remember that while restorative dentistry can help improve the look and function of teeth, it does not guarantee a lifetime of healthy teeth. Regular dental visits and good oral hygiene habits are still necessary for long-term dental health.


1) Is restorative dentistry safe?

Restorative dentistry is generally considered to be a safe procedure when done by a qualified professional. However, there is always a chance of complications occurring, so it is important to be aware of these risks before undergoing any treatment.

2) Is restorative dentistry expensive?

Yes, restorative dentistry can be expensive depending on the type of procedure being done. The cost will depend on the materials and amount of time involved in creating the artificial materials used.

3) Does restorative dentistry guarantee a lifetime of healthy teeth?

No, while restorative dentistry can help improve the look and function of teeth, it does not guarantee a lifetime of healthy teeth. Regular dental visits and good oral hygiene habits are still necessary for long-term dental health.


Restorative dentistry can be a great option for those looking to restore the aesthetic and function of their smile. It is important to consider the potential risks and costs associated with restorative dentistry before making any decisions. Regular dental visits and good oral hygiene habits are also necessary for long-term dental health.