TRU Dentistry Equality in Healthcare

Supporting Equality in Oral Healthcare

Discrimination, whether intentional or unintentional, comes in many forms. And for the LGBTQ community, this is often experienced in the area of healthcare. We are frequently asked questions about marital status, or our “relationship to the patient,” or other areas of our private lives that communicate we are different.

This also occurs in the area of oral health. Whether it’s a transgender patient who wants to change their smile to properly reflect their identified gender or anyone in the LGBTQ community that neglects their oral health because of fear of discrimination or maltreatment, there is a special need for sensitivity by dental professionals. Kudos to Quip for bringing these complexities and the effect on our population to light. Read more here.

At TRU Dentistry, we understand these challenges and welcome all patients with loving and open arms, no matter the age, race or financial status. As a proud friend of the LGBTQ community, we guarantee 100% satisfaction and offer our promise to be TRU to you…TRU service, TRU people, TRU prices, and always…TRU smiles.

Book your appointment at our South Lamar location today for a judgment-free experience at a dentist near you.

2708 South Lamar Boulevard, Suite 100A, Austin, TX 78704 | (737) 203-8538 |