Dr. Samantha Hollinger Sitting in TRU Dentistry Austin Exam Room, veneers near me, Veneers near Austin, dental veneers South Lamar

Dental Veneers: What You Should Know

Dental veneers, also known as porcelain veneers or dental porcelain laminates, require planning and preparation. If you are interested in veneers, below are some of the questions that you should ask your dentist before you undergo a veneer procedure.

What are the specific differences between dental veneer types?

Veneers are available in several different materials. Each of these materials have advantages and disadvantages. Qualities such as color retention, durability, thickness, strength, and price vary from one veneer type to another. For instance, Lumineers have a very high-quality grade in most areas, but they are more expensive than other veneers. Since veneers differ in thickness, the preparation needed on your teeth before application will vary. Make sure to ask your TRU Dentistry dentist about the preparation needed for the types of veneers you’re interested in. It will help you to make a final decision.

What happens during the veneer procedure?

Every dental veneer procedure will differ. The treatment plan should be customized to the needs of the patient. As stated before, the type of veneer that you choose will have a direct impact on how much preparatory work is performed on your teeth.

How much experience does your dentist have in veneer procedures?

Experience matters. When a dentist has performed the procedure several times, his or her efficiency, technique, and ability to adjust to situations improves vastly. As a rule of thumb, experience affects the procedure’s outcome. Some dentists are even certified with certain veneer types, like Lumineers.

Remember, your local dentist will give you recommendations for your veneer procedure, but your dental health is your personal responsibility. A good dentist will always consider how every procedure will affect your dental health. Consequently, it is always best to consult a dentist and ask several questions before committing to any treatment.

Contact TRU Dentistry Austin today to schedule a consultation. Your dental health starts here.


2708 South Lamar Boulevard, Suite 100A, Austin, TX 78704 | (737) 203-8538 | info@trudentistryaustin.com